
By upcycling various items and selling them to the general public we have created a great way for the young adults to learn what it’s like to be in employment as it can be very difficult for them to get the opportunity to have this experience.

Working together they take unwanted wood and lovingly Upcycle it to give it a new lease of life. The Clubhouse Project aims to teach people new skills, including painting, decorating and woodwork and also give them the opportunity to create and sell unique handmade items

We know it’s difficult for our young adults to get paid work or work experience in the community, so we have decided that their skills and talents can be put to better use in a more entrepreneurial way in our own Upcycling programme.

The young adults are involved at every stage, from purchasing equipment and material right up to the final stage where they sell the finished items at various fayres throughout the year.

Examples of our Upcycling

Bug boxes
Bug boxes
Herb boxes
Herb boxes
Garden tools
Bird feeder
Plant holders
Cup hanger
Bird box
Grill and Chill
Bird boxes
Bottle opener